Santry Forum AGM

Santry Forum AGM

Santry Forum AGM

The AGM commences at 7:30 on Thursday November 11th in Santry Community Resource Centre, Coolock Lane.

·      Current activities and pending decisions.

Two big decisions are pending: An Bord Pleanala will deliver a decision on the Buckley’s application during the coming weeks; the re-zoning of the Shanowen Lands is back on the agenda and the City Council will vote on it – probably in February. We will also work to submit our own plan for Santry before the vote on the new Dublin City Plan and we need your input and vision for the area to inform our submission.

·      Formulating a vision for Santry.

We will sketch out our vision for Santry but we need community involvement so that we can incorporate your concepts into the final plan. We also need political support in gaining acceptance for the plan.

·      Election of a new Committee.

Perhaps you’d like to serve on the Committee? We normally meet every two weeks in the Community Centre. This year we propose to establish sub-committees that would only meet as necessary. For example: Planning, Road Safety, Campaigns, Development Committees etc. Maybe you have a specific skill to offer? We need all the help we can get!

·      Politician’s panel.

Róisín Shortall, Paul Mc Auliffe and Dessie Ellis have undertaken to attend. There will be a panel discussion on the theme: ‘Development for profit or for the community’ moderated by our Chairman, John Nolan.

·      Question time.

This will be followed by questions from the audience. We are requesting you to submit your questions in writing – prior to the meeting. You can email them to or hand them in at the start of the meeting. We have adopted this procedure in order to maximise the number of questions that can be dealt with within the time constraints.

·      Films of Old Santry.

We would like to thank those who attended the ‘Funeral for Santry.’ FM 104 and Near FM carried interviews and the Independent and Herald an article. Unfortunately, our plan to screen some old films of Santry from the Lorcan Film Unit didn’t work out but we will show them at the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.