AGM in the Comet Pub
This website has been set up to help keep residents living in the Santry Whitehall area informed about any developments taking place within our local area. Updates will include but not limited to housing, planning, public transport, sport and recreation. We host weekly meetings about our work at the Santry Resource Community Centre every Thursday from 7.30pm until 8:30 pm. We want to reach out to as many people a possible. We want to engage the community and help build a safe, secure, happy environment to live and work.
Santry forum is made up of representatives from resident associations in the area. As there is so much going on in Santry we are constantly looking for new people to join us, why not join and make a difference.
Email Santrywhitehall
We also have a fully stocked Art studio on the second floor which is home to the Juan Perez Art School who had a very successful showing in the Omni Shopping Centre recently.
We have a fully equipped kitchen to cater for anyone who may want it and our kettle is always hot just in case someone is in need of a cuppa.
If you are interested in any of our classes, give us a call and we can give you all the information you need.
If you are interested in running your own class/group/workshop in the area booking the hall is 20euro 1/2 hall p/h and 40euro Full hall p/h
Santry Community Resource Center
Domville Court
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