Another attempt to rezone Shanowen Lands

Another attempt to rezone Shanowen Lands


Another attempt to re-zone Shanowen Lands – up to 1,000 more apartments!  Make a free submission now!

The pre-draft Dublin City Development Plan for the next five years is currently open for consultation and observations/ objections, with a closing date of February 14th. There is no fee for submitting an objection/observation. You’ll find a map of Shanowen Lands overleaf.

As recently as March 2020, the Councillors rejected an attempt by the Executive to rezone these lands for residential development. This was the result of a lobbying campaign by Santry Forum and over 230 objections from residents.  Nevertheless, the area close to this site has seen permission being granted for five major developments in the recent past.

Santry Forum is not opposed to residential construction in the area but has a policy of opposition to further rezoning pending the implementation of a Local Area Plan or alternatively, the provision of social facilities and infrastructure commensurate with the projected increase in population.

Recently permission was sought for a 350 mainly 2 bed apartment development on the 1.4 Hectare Buckley’s site at Swords Rd/Santry Ave. The development would include one 14 storey, two 10 and for 7 storey buildings. Permission has already been granted for a 324 apartment development at Omni – including a 10 storey and permission is in process for over 400 apartments beside Lidl.


If we consider that the Shanowen Lands site is 4.25 Hectares in extent – just three times the size of Buckley’s – and increase the salient figures for Buckley’s by a factor of three, we can get an idea of the potential footprint of the Shanowen Lands site. This means a potential 1,000+ apartments with 642 parking spaces (214 Buckley’s).


Dublin City Council planners envisage up to 300 units per hectare, which would provide 1,200+ on the site and at any of these densities would require high rise buildings. As permission has already been granted for a ten storey at Omni and the Council stated that it had no objection to a 14 storey at Buckley’s, we can expect similar if this site is developed in the present climate.


The Development Plan goes back to the Council for its consideration following receipt of the public response and we are assured that their reaction will be based on the extent and content of that response. It is therefore important that if you agree that issues relating to infrastructure – already under strain – must be addressed before any further development in the area, then please make known your views to the council.

You can give your feedback by making a submission through one of the following options:  Online via the Council’s Consultation Portal: To make a submission on this portal register for a free account and click on the activation email that will be sent to your email. You will then be logged in and can make a submission.



By post


Address: Development Plan Team, Planning and Property Development Department,

Dublin City Council, Wood Quay, Dublin 8


The final date for receipt of all submissions is 4.30pm on 14th February 2022. Late submissions will not be considered. All submissions, whether made online or by post, must include the full name and address of the person making the submission.



The closing date for submissions is February 14th 2022. Be sure to get yours in as soon as possible. The eventual outcome will be strongly influenced by the number and content of objections/submissions.  Submissions are free of charge.

We will be issuing guidelines for objections/observations to the proposed re-zoning for those who would like assistance.  Please email

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